Knowing the Lord in a Personal Way

I received the Lord many years ago as a young person, but never knew the Lord in a personal way. After many years of marriage, and a career as a college professor, my husband and I went to a meeting of the local church. We both were amazed how the word of God and Christ were the center of every meeting. We just couldn't get enough of the sharing and the special meetings. Later we found out that we were enjoying the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.

What a blessing we have received from this ministry! We have been meeting with the local churches for 32 years and feel those 32 years have been the best years of our lives. It has been through this ministry that we have come to know our Lord Jesus Christ in a personal and intimate way. It is a very special blessing to know the mystery of God and to know and understand God's purpose for man (Ephesians 1:9-10).

As a college professor, I can tell you how fortunate I was that the Lord called me for His purpose and has enlightened me (Ephesians 1:18-23). So many people in the academic world are just not open to know our wonderful Lord.